
Process management E-Learning - 7. Analyze processes

by TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH
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Course Features

  • Certified by TÜV Rheinland
  • Access Time Lifetime Access
  • Course Level: Beginner
  • Learning Extent: 0 hrs. 45 min.
  • Language: english
Target Audiences:

Course Overview

About this online Course

This online course is the eighth part of our process management course series. It offers you an overview of "Process Analysis".

Become successful through properly implemented process management. But this success requires an understanding of what process management is in the first place, and the focus of this online course is on process analysis.

For the continuous improvement of processes, errors, deviations from targets and anomalies are analyzed. Thus, their causes are also to be determined. In addition to weaknesses, potentials are also examined. This should lead to the goal of reducing inhibiting factors and strengthening promoting factors.

In this online course, you will learn about and apply systematic approaches to analyzing processes. At the end of the course, you will know how to evaluate weak points and deviations. You will also find optimization potentials.

You learn with practical examples and have the possibility to test your knowledge with a quiz. You also have the option of downloading additional learning materials at the end of the course. In addition to your completed online course, you can access the content again and again with the help of the additional documents.

Take a look at our free content in the learning content and get an overview of the topics.


You learn methods for analyzing processes and deriving improvement measures. This will give you a solid foundation for process optimization.

Target group

Managers and employees in the areas of process management, organization, corporate and personnel development, quality management, information technology,
process managers, process analysts, process coordinators, executives with process responsibility

Learning content

  • Get to know systematic approaches for the analysis of processes
  • Apply analysis methods
  • Evaluate weak points and deviations
  • Find optimization potentials
  • Identify and prioritize measures

Summary of Learning Contents

Process management E-Learning - 7. Analyze processes 

timelapse 0 hrs. 45 min.
  • Analyzing processes 
    extension interactive content
    timelapse 0 hrs. 45 min.


Overall Rating

Average Rating
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