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Hier gibt es für jedes deiner Ziele den passenden Onlinekurs - natürlich in bester TÜV Rheinland Qualität und mit anschließender Teilnahmebescheinigung. Durch unseren kuratierten Marktplatz-Ansatz bündeln wir über 1.000 Kurse von den erfahrensten Expert*innen aus den jeweiligen Branchen und Geschäftsfeldern. Mit unserem umfangreichen Angebot machst Du Dich und Deine Teams jetzt zukunftsfähig.

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Welcome to our e-learning platform myCompetence, the curated marketplace for data protection courses! Here you will find the most important data protection topics at a glance. In an increasingly digitalised world, the protection of personal data is becoming more and more important. At myCompetence, we have made it our mission to provide you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the field of data protection. Our courses are designed to familiarise you and your team with the latest developments, legislation and best practices to help you master data protection challenges in your company with confidence.

Our top Data protection Courses

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Training Level
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Niveau: {{ __(availableDifficulties[difficulty]) }}
Course language: German
Course language: English
Rating: At least 5 ratings
Rating: At least 4.5 ratings
Rating: At least 4 ratings
Rating: At least 3.5 ratings
Rating: At least 3 ratings
Training Length: {{ __(availableLengths[length]) }}
Provider: {{ trainingProviderName }}

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{{ training.default_category ? training.default_category.title : "\xa0" }}

{{ training.display_title }}

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{{ training.formatted_estimated_time }} {{training.difficulty_text}}