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Hier gibt es für jedes deiner Ziele den passenden Onlinekurs - natürlich in bester TÜV Rheinland Qualität und mit anschließender Teilnahmebescheinigung. Durch unseren kuratierten Marktplatz-Ansatz bündeln wir über 1.000 Kurse von den erfahrensten Expert*innen aus den jeweiligen Branchen und Geschäftsfeldern. Mit unserem umfangreichen Angebot machst Du Dich und Deine Teams jetzt zukunftsfähig.

Unsere beliebtesten Online-Kurse


Efficient production planning and occupational safety are the backbone of a successful workshop. Our online training courses for production managers and workshop specialists provide you with the knowledge you need to optimally plan and implement work processes. In our courses for production managers, you will learn how to use resources efficiently, ensure quality standards and lead your team in the workshop safely and productively. Our practical workshop online courses offer you in-depth knowledge of production planning and occupational safety in the workshop. You will gain in-depth insights into modern production management methods and learn how to minimize risks and create a safe working environment. Whether you are already a production manager or would like to expand your knowledge of workshop work - our training courses are flexible and can be adapted to your everyday working life. Sign up today and take your workshop organization to the next level with professional online training!

All Courses

Training Level
Training Length
Course language
Training Provider
Niveau: {{ __(availableDifficulties[difficulty]) }}
Course language: German
Course language: English
Rating: At least 5 ratings
Rating: At least 4.5 ratings
Rating: At least 4 ratings
Rating: At least 3.5 ratings
Rating: At least 3 ratings
Training Length: {{ __(availableLengths[length]) }}
Provider: {{ trainingProviderName }}

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{{ training.default_category ? training.default_category.title : "\xa0" }}

{{ training.display_title }}

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{{ training.formatted_estimated_time }} {{training.difficulty_text}}