- workspace_premium Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
- calendar_month Zugriffsdauer: 1 Jahr Zugriff
- trending_up Kursniveau: Einsteiger
- timelapse Lernumfang: 2 Std. 23 Min.
- language Sprache: englisch
- fingerprint Kurskennung: KJyn58bMdX
Über den Online-Kurs
Finding calm - in a world like this, it is very needed. Different impulses and inputs, stress, and anxiety affect our psyche and bodies in ways that sometimes we don´t even recognize.
Hillary McBride, a licensed therapist, and researcher, will teach you more about where stress and anxiety appear and give you strategies to deal with it.
Target group
This course is for people who wants to learn more about where stress and anxiety appear and how to deal with it.
Learning content
- Stress and Anxiety: Bio, Psycho, Social Perspective
- Stress and Axety: Continued
- Window of Tolerance
- Anxiety and the Defense Triangle
- Polyvagal Theory
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- Letting Go
- Grounding
- Cognitive Distortions
- The Stories We Tell
- Lifestyle Insights
- Spirituality and Anxiety
Übersicht der Lerninhalte
Finding Calm – Stressmanagement
Stress and Anxiety: Bio, Psycho, Social Perspectiveextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 08 Min.
Stress and Axety: Continuedextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 11 Min.
Window of Toleranceextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 13 Min.
Anxiety and the Defense Triangleextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 18 Min.
Polyvagal Theoryextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 11 Min.
Progressive Muscle Relaxationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 09 Min.
Letting Goextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 06 Min.
Groundingextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 06 Min.
Cognitive Distortionsextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 18 Min.
The Stories We Tellextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 07 Min.
Lifestyle Insightsextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 15 Min.
Spirituality and Anxietyextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 21 Min.
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