- workspace_premium Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
- calendar_month Zugriffsdauer: Unbegrenzter Zugriff
- trending_up Kursniveau: Fortgeschritten
- timelapse Lernumfang: 7 Std. 30 Min.
- language Sprache: englisch
- fingerprint Kurskennung: LGbeBLJnax
Über den Online-Kurs
The three-part Change Management Qualification Program provides a comprehensive overview of the application of change management for those accompanying and driving change. The program was developed by CPC Unternehmensmanagement AG, Germany's leading change management consultancy, and can be completed with the title "Change Management Expert with TÜV Rheinland certified qualification".
The e-learning is based on the latest findings in learning psychology and, with a mix of spoken explanations and their visual presentation, offers ideal conditions for easy learning. Different interactions in the modules make the learning journey varied and quizzes at the end of each unit ensure learning success. All methods are explained using a practical example and you learn to master the challenges of implementing change together with the fictitious change team.
The advanced training includes 13 modules plus an introduction explaining the structure of the training and a summary. Templates are available for download to help you transfer the learning content to your daily work. The training concludes with an online self-test as a learning check. After successful completion of the online test, you will receive a certificate of participation, which is a prerequisite for participation in the expert training (Part 3) with the final certification.
The advanced training builds on the content of the basic training and it is recommended to complete it beforehand.
Part 3 is the expert training including certification. The focus in this training is on the application of the change management methods that you have learned in the preceding ELearnings. In addition, the exchange with participants from other industries and areas is valuable. The training is offered as face-to-face or remote training by experienced change managers from CPC and concludes with the examination to become a "Change Management Expert with TÜV Rheinland certified qualification". Please book the training directly at CPC Unternehmensmanagement AG (www.cpc-ag.de). Prerequisite for the participation in the expert training is the successful completion of the basic and advanced training. This must be proven by means of the certificates of participation.
In the advanced training, you will deepen your knowledge of the CPC Change Management Method and learn the contents of the four areas Impact, Leadership, Engagement & Enabling and Institutionalization along the complete project life cycle. There will be a direct link to project management methods, but also the differentiation between the two disciplines. You will gain comprehensive knowledge of the different tools that can be applied in corresponding phases.
The three-stage qualification program, which culminates in certification as a "Change Management Expert with TÜV Rheinland Certified Qualification", focuses on a systematic understanding of the methods and their practical application. It thus also serves as qualified proof of your competence for your resume and in your daily work. The accumulated learning hours in this course can be counted as PDUs. The final acceptance is at the discretion of the respective certification organization e.g. PMI, ACMP.
Target group
- Project managers and project leaders
- Employees in HR, organizational development, transformation and strategy areas
- Consultants and self-employed
- High potentials and future managers
- Students and people in a professional reorientation in the above mentioned fields
- People interested in change management
Learning objectives
- Deepening knowledge of the CPC Change Management Methodology
- Gain an understanding of the process of change management projects along the project life cycle
- To gain competence in the execution of large-scale change management projects
- To gain confidence in the application of the multiple methods, participation in the expert training is recommended (registration at www.cpc-ag.de)
Learning content
- Interaction and differentiation between change management and project management
- Different roles and responsibilities in change management
- Detailed introduction and application of the Change Management Knowledge Areas Impact
- Detailed introduction and application of the Change Management Knowledge Areas Leadership
- Detailed introduction and application of the Change Management Knowledge Areas Enabling & Engagement
- Detailed introduction and application of the change management knowledge areas Institutionalization
- Explanation of the four knowledge areas along the project life cycle Initiation, Planning, Execution, Review and Closure
Übersicht der Lerninhalte
Change Management Advanced Level
label Gratisinhaltextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 05 Min.
Process groups in projects in the Project Life Cycleextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Differences Project Management vs. Change Managementextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
label Gratisinhaltextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Impact Initiation: Details, Tool, Applicationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Leadership Initiation: Details, Tool, Applicationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Leadership Planning: Details, Tool, Applicationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
label Gratisinhaltextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Engagement & Enabling Planning: Details, Tool, Applicationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Institutionalization Initiation: Details, Tool, Applicationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Institutionalization Planning: Details, Tool, Applicationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Impact Planning: Details, Tool, Applicationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
All Knowledge Areas: Executionextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
All Knowledge Areas: Controllingextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
Closing & Conclusionextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 25 Min.
Final test Advanced Levelextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
von {{ rating.user.display_name }} am {{ rating.created_at | formatDate }}
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