- workspace_premium Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
- calendar_month Zugriffsdauer: Unbegrenzter Zugriff
- trending_up Kursniveau: Einsteiger
- timelapse Lernumfang: 1 Std. 00 Min.
- language Sprache: englisch
- fingerprint Kurskennung: 1Bgn92qzqx
Über den Online-Kurs
Credit and financial services institution are under public scrutiny and are confronted with strict regulations and complex requirements. This also means that you have to make responsible and legally compliant decisions in connection with financial instruments on a daily basis. This online training e-Learning provides the latest regulations in the field of securities compliance and shows the fundamental role of MiFID II and MiFIR in securities trading.
By the end of the e-Learning you will know the basics of the financial market guidelines and will be able to make legally compliant decisions regarding financial instruments in your everyday work.
Target group
All employees and managers of a company
Learning content
- Introduction
- Investor protection
- Market Transparency
- Regulation for secure markets
- Summary and knowledge test
Übersicht der Lerninhalte
Securities compliance - MiFID II
Securities compliance - MiFID IIextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 1 Std. 00 Min.
von {{ rating.user.display_name }} am {{ rating.created_at | formatDate }}
Kommentare und Fragen zum Kurs
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