
Fight against fraud for executives

von M.I.T e-Solutions GmbH
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Vorschaubild für das Training Fight against fraud for executives
inkl. MwSt. 44,99
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  • Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
  • Zugriffsdauer Unbegrenzter Zugriff
  • Kursniveau: Einsteiger
  • Lernumfang: 0 Std. 45 Min.
  • Sprache: englisch
Berufseinsteiger Jobwechsler Unternehmer & Arbeitgeber


Über den Online-Kurs

Adapted to the tasks of the management level, this e-Learning provides you with in-depth information on the topic of fraud prevention. As an executive of a company, you are obliged to clear up actions that are damaging to the business and prevent further damage. Here you will learn how to reduce the risk of errors and abuse through the dual control principle. In addition, anti-fraud management will be discussed and the fraud triangle analysed.

After completing this e-Learning you will have deepened your knowledge of fraud prevention. By means of practical examples you will be sensitized to the topics of clarification and prevention and can transfer this to your everyday work.

Target group

All executives of a company

Learning content

  • Introduction
  • Interview with a fraud victim
  • Fighting fraud is a matter for the boss
  • Why are you challenged as a manager?
  • Dual control principle
  • Possibilities for fraud prevention
  • Anti-Fraud-Management
  • Fraud made easy
  • Fraud Triangle
  • Fraud Diamond
  • Final test (for self-examination or as proof of the acquired knowledge)

Übersicht der Lerninhalte

Fight against fraud for executives 

timelapse 0 Std. 45 Min.
  • Fight against fraud for executives 
    extension Interaktiver Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 45 Min.



Durchschnittliche Bewertungen
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von {{ rating.user.display_name }} am {{ rating.created_at | formatDate }}

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