Kommunikation & Rhetorik

20 Best Communication Hacks: Influence and Persuade People

von Argumentorik-Akademie
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  • Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
  • Zugriffsdauer Unbegrenzter Zugriff
  • Kursniveau: Einsteiger
  • Lernumfang: 1 Std. 22 Min.
  • Sprache: englisch
Berufseinsteiger Jobwechsler Unternehmer & Arbeitgeber Experte & Spezialist


Über den Online-Kurs

This course helps you to be a great one-to-one communicator. You will learn from the best ancient and contemporary communicators. Each of the 20 communication hacks is easily adaptable in your everyday life. Short and entertaining lectures are easy to unterstand and your trainer Wlad comes directly to the most important point. After 1,5 hours you will influence and persuade people like a Pro.


  • Convincing people in 1:1 discussions
  • Communicating with empathy

Target Group

All who want to improve their communications skills


  • Why you should always be soft to the person?
  • Why you should first listen?
  • How to quickly establish a connection between you and your discussion partner?
  • How to capture attention in a dialogue?
  • Why you should use "reciprocity" in a conversation?
  • ... and 15 other brilliant communication hacks from the best.

Übersicht der Lerninhalte

Section 1: 20 best communication hacks: persuade and influence like a Pro 

timelapse 1 Std. 22 Min.
  • label Gratisinhalt
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 05 Min.
  • Lesson 2: Seek first to understand, then to be understood (Covey) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 3: Rapport is created by a feeling of commonality (Robbins) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 04 Min.
  • Lesson 4: Capture attention with storytelling (Simon Sinek) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 5: The principle of reciprocity (Robert Cialdini) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 04 Min.
  • Lesson 6: Give honest and sincere appreciation (Dale Carnegie) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 7: Four ways of hearing a negative message (Rosenberg) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 05 Min.
  • Lesson 8: The truth about inner communication 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 06 Min.
  • Lesson 9: The role of arguments and innate vanity (Schopenhauer) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 05 Min.
  • Lesson 10: Watch out for rhetorical manipulation (Plato) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 11: Use simple language (Moliere) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 12: Question what the other person is saying (Brian Tracy) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 05 Min.
  • Lesson 13: If the other refuses: Ask why not? (William Ury) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 04 Min.
  • Lesson 14: The best persuasion tip (Aristotle) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 15: The power of because (Susan Langer) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 04 Min.
  • Lesson 16: If your emotions heat up (Laurence J Peter) 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 05 Min.
  • Lesson 17: If the others emotions heat up 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 05 Min.
  • Lesson 18: The ultimate voice tip 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 19: The ultimate body language tip 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 20: The ultimate language tip 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.
  • Lesson 21: Your next steps 
    movie Video-Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 03 Min.



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