
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act - Lieferkettengesetz (LkSG)

von TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH
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Vorschaubild für das Training Supply Chain Due Diligence Act 2025
inkl. MwSt. 34,99
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  • Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
  • Zugriffsdauer: 365 Tage
  • Kursniveau: Einsteiger
  • Lernumfang: 0 Std. 45 Min.
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Kurskennung: okMraXZey1
Personalmanager Fach- und Führungskräfte Einkauf Logistik Supply Chain Manager


Über den Online-Kurs

Prepare yourself and your employees for the German Supply Chain Law!

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act sets clear requirements and regulations against human rights violations and environmental endangerment as well guidelines for a good corporate governance. As of January 2023, the Act must be implemented by companies with more than 3000 employees (starting 2024, for companies with more than 1000 employees).

The complete workforce must be sensitized & necessary steps must be taken. This online course offers the basics for a legally compliant implementation of this supply law.

Our e-learning provides you with a comprehensive overview of all the requirements of the Act in just 45 minutes:
  • To whom does the German Supply Chain Act apply?
  • What do companies have to observe according to the Supply Chain Act?
  • How do you best prepare for the Supply Chain Act?

Your Advantage:

  • With our video learning, you will gain an insight into the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.
  • You will know the most important requirements resulting from the Act
  • You know what you as a company need to do to adhere to the Act. 


  • Introduction to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
  • Definitions and terminology
  • Due Diligence obligations according to Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
  • Monitoring mechanism and regulatory misdemeanors

Übersicht der Lerninhalte

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act 

timelapse 0 Std. 45 Min.
  • Introduction to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act 
    extension Interaktiver Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 45 Min.



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