- workspace_premium Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
- calendar_month Zugriffsdauer: Unbegrenzter Zugriff
- trending_up Kursniveau: Fortgeschritten
- timelapse Lernumfang: 0 Std. 45 Min.
- language Sprache: englisch
- fingerprint Kurskennung: 2dyzaWrMZ9
Über den Online-Kurs
You will get to know the reading mode. You will learn how to edit PDF documents in Word and save them back as PDF. You'll also learn what's new when comparing documents and how to track changes. And with the learning tools, you'll learn how to customize the way you view text on screen, have Word translate it, and insert notes and sketches into a document.
Target Group
Users who already have experience with previous versions of Microsoft Word and want to learn about the new features of Microsoft Word 365.
Learning Goals
Users learn the new features and changes in Microsoft Word 365, enabling a smooth transition and enabling users to quickly integrate the software improvements into their daily work.
Learning Contents:
The following learning content is covered in individual learning modules:
- Read Mode – Simplified View Lets You Focus on Your Work and Be More Efficient
- Edit PDFs – Make Changes in PDFs
- Compare Documents – Combine Different Document Versions
- Track Changes – Revise Texts Together
- Learning tools, translator and sketches - Useful tools in Word
Übersicht der Lerninhalte
Microsoft Word 365
Word 365extension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 45 Min.
von {{ rating.user.display_name }} am {{ rating.created_at | formatDate }}
Kommentare und Fragen zum Kurs
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