- workspace_premium Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
- calendar_month Zugriffsdauer 1 Jahr Zugriff
- trending_up Kursniveau: Einsteiger
- timelapse Lernumfang: 2 Std. 23 Min.
- language Sprache: englisch
- fingerprint Kurskennung: W3yeKWjeZ9
Über den Online-Kurs
Discover the Negotiator in You! This course will look at how to work on developing win-win solutions in every negotiation, and at the same time deal with challenges, difficult people, bargaining tactics, and communication problems. Most importantly, it will teach participants about their own negotiation skills and focus on how to maximize the potential they bring to the negotiation table.
These are the three most important learning goals:
- Understanding the basic elements of negotiations
- Understanding how to design and execute a negotiation process
- How to communicate one's own interests and understand other people's interests
Persons who have to negotiate in their daily lives or are seeking to get into professions where negotiations will be part of their main tasks, are the main audience of this course. Additionally, it is very helpful for every individual in his/her personal life.
Juan Diaz-Prinz has taught this subject at various international universities for 13 years. Recently, he has been working in the private sector with business leaders.
Target group
The main audience of this course are Persons who have to negotiate in their daily lives or are seeking to get into professions where negotiations will be part of their main tasks.
Learning content
- Course Overview: Negotiation Skills & Strategies
- Understanding Myself as a Negotiator
- Art of Listening
- The Negotiation Process
- Mastering Multilateral Negotiations
- Win-Win Negotiation
- Bargaining: Dividing the Pie Without Getting Angry
- Dealing With Difficult People
- Do Men and Women Negotiate Differently?
- Quiz „Negotiation Skills & Strategies“
Übersicht der Lerninhalte
Strategic Negotiations
Course Overview: Negotiation Skills & Strategiesextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 02 Min.
Understanding Myself as a Negotiatorextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 19 Min.
Art of Listeningextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 17 Min.
The Negotiation Processextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 16 Min.
Mastering Multilateral Negotiationsextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 19 Min.
Win-Win Negotiationextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 21 Min.
Bargaining: Dividing the Pie Without Getting Angryextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 20 Min.
Dealing With Difficult Peopleextension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 15 Min.
Do Men and Women Negotiate Differently?extension Interaktiver Inhalttimelapse 0 Std. 14 Min.
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