
Occupational Health and Safety

von tts Knowledge Products GmbH
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Vorschaubild für das Training Occupational Health and Safety
inkl. MwSt. 39,99
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  • Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
  • Zugriffsdauer Unbegrenzter Zugriff
  • Kursniveau: Einsteiger
  • Lernumfang: 1 Std. 24 Min.
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Kurskennung: A5zLyN7eB2
Berufseinsteiger Jobwechsler Unternehmer & Arbeitgeber Experte & Spezialist


Über den Online-Kurs

This e-learning course on occupational safety uses specific examples to teach safe and health-conscious behavior in everyday working life - as part of initial training or as a regular refresher. Recognize and avoid hazards in the workplace, prevent illness and know life-saving rules of conduct in the event of an emergency.

A lack of occupational safety can have serious consequences. Accidents are just the tip of the iceberg. Situations in which an accident almost occurred are much more common. You can help here! Actively prevent accidents from happening in the first place and take responsible care of your health and the environment. And if an emergency does occur, be well prepared. If you know how to behave correctly in an emergency, you can protect your own health and that of your colleagues.

This course uses interactive scenarios to teach you how to recognize and avoid dangers in the workplace and explains life-saving rules of conduct in the event of an emergency.


Using vividly illustrated, typical case studies from everyday working life, you will acquire practical knowledge that will help you to prevent accidents at work, protect your health and be well prepared in the event of an emergency.

Target group

All professionals.

Learning objectives

Know and be able to apply key preventive measures to avoid accidents at work and to protect health and the most important rules of conduct in an emergency.

Learning Content

  • Occupational safety - importance and general duties 8 min.
  • Safety rules and safety signs 10 min.
  • Correct handling of working materials 6 min.
  • Avoiding falls and providing first aid in an emergency 9 min.
  • Safe handling of electricity 5 min.
  • Personal protective equipment 6 min.
  • VDU work and correct sitting posture 6 min.
  • Lifting and carrying 6 min.
  • Skin protection 5 min.
  • Protection of the environment and resources 5 min.
  • Appreciative interaction in the workplace 5 min.
  • Final test 13 min.

Übersicht der Lerninhalte

Occupational Health and Safety 

timelapse 1 Std. 24 Min.
  • Occupational Health and Safety 
    extension Interaktiver Inhalt
    timelapse 1 Std. 24 Min.



Durchschnittliche Bewertungen
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