
New Microsoft Teams

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inkl. MwSt. 29,99
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  • Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
  • Zugriffsdauer: Unbegrenzter Zugriff
  • Kursniveau: Einsteiger
  • Lernumfang: 1 Std. 09 Min.
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Kurskennung: Bgn90EEMqx
Berufseinsteiger Jobwechsler Unternehmer & Arbeitgeber Experte & Spezialist


Über den Online-Kurs

Microsoft Teams is the new platform for exchanging information of all kinds between employees. The learning programme teaches you the basics of how to use it. You will learn how to create a team, add members and exchange information with them. After completing the course, you will be able to upload documents and edit them together with other team members. You will be familiar with creating apps and files as tabs and planning and holding virtual meetings.


Digitalisation is progressing. Collaboration applications are becoming increasingly important in everyday working life. Secure operation saves time and nerves for everyone involved, who can work together and exchange information quickly and easily, even from different locations.

Target Group    

Beginners who want to familiarise themselves with Microsoft Teams and learn more about the possibilities and functions of the platform.


Operating Microsoft Teams securely

Learning content

  • Discover Teams:
    Get to know the interface and switching functions of Teams
  • Create a team:
    A group of people is added to a team to work together. The difference between private and public teams is explained.
  • Communication within a team:
    This lesson introduces channels and teaches how to control communication in channels.
  • Sharing and editing documents
    Learn all about file storage in Teams.
  • Chatting in Teams
    Learn how to chat with contacts, open group chats and use other useful chat functions.
  • Schedule a meeting:
    Set up a meeting and invite other team members to join.
  • Participate in a meeting:
    Learn how to join a meeting, record the meeting and share content during a meeting.
  • Team management and guest members:
    Add external contacts to your team and learn how to give members and guests different permissions in your team.
  • Change notification settings:
    Define in general and for individual channels how often and in what form you want to be informed about activities in teams.
  • Add apps and files as tabs:
    Create a new app as a tab. Find out how you can also create documents as tabs.
  • Search function, filters and command input
    Find out more about the "Search or enter command" field.

Übersicht der Lerninhalte

New Microsoft Teams 

timelapse 1 Std. 09 Min.
  • New Microsoft Teams 
    extension Interaktiver Inhalt
    timelapse 1 Std. 09 Min.



Durchschnittliche Bewertungen
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