
Diisocyanates T 019 - Commercial use - Spraying in a cabin

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Vorschaubild für das Training Diisocyanates T 019 - Commercial use - Spraying in a cabin
inkl. MwSt. 16,99
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  • Teilnahmebescheinigung von TÜV Rheinland
  • Zugriffsdauer 365 Days
  • Kursniveau: Einsteiger
  • Lernumfang: 0 Std. 30 Min.
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Kurskennung: 53lzvdKMQw
für alle Zielgruppen


Über den Online-Kurs

Training on diisocyanates for industrial and professional users in accordance with the REACH Regulation.

The European Commission adopted a training obligation on the handling of diisocyanates for all users in accordance with the EU REACH Regulation. This includes users who use diisocyanates for industrial and commercial purposes or who supervise these tasks. Training is intended to ensure the safe handling of diisocyanates.


  • You will receive training on the safe use of diisocyanates. 
  • With this training, you meet the requirements of the REACH regulation. 
  • You stay up to date.
  • Contents
  • Coating - spray booth application

Definition and chemistry of diisocyanates

  • Sensitization
  • Emergency procedures
  • Behavioral safety
  • National regulations and codes
  • Risks associated with spraying paint in a ventilated booth
  • Safety instructions
  • Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Change Management
  • Target group
  • For persons who use diisocyanates for industrial and commercial purposes or who supervise these tasks.


After passing the exam, you will receive a certificate from the TÜV Rheinland Academy as proof of your expertise to employers and authorities.


  • To select the right module for the Diisocyanates training (e-learning), we recommend that you consult your safety expert for diisocyanates in advance.
  • With this module you fulfill the training obligation according to the REACH regulation.
  • Every five years you have to be trained again, for the first time until August 24, 2023.
  • You can also qualify as a "Safety Expert for Diisocyanates (TÜV)" and thus obtain the qualification to independently conduct training courses on the safe handling of diisocyanates. 
  • This module has been developed jointly with ISOPA and ALIPA.

Übersicht der Lerninhalte

Diisocyanates - Commercial use - Spraying in a cabin 

timelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
  • Professional painting – Spray Booth Application 
    extension Interaktiver Inhalt
    timelapse 0 Std. 30 Min.
  • Quiz 
    extension Interaktiver Inhalt



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